Hello fabulous people. I would like to share with you a story that is so personal! If any of you are wanting to feel fantastic, lose weight, get healthy, gain more energy... this lifestyle blog post could genuinely help you.
My Story:
I have been a member of Slimming World for years. I've bought diet books. I've tried the cabbage soup diet, weight watchers, south beach diet... A diet where you just drink juice. You name it, I have bought into it. But I never saw much success. Then I always felt sad and like a failure! I have paid money on-line to get books, tapes, diet pills... I knew what I wanted, and I fell head first into the fantastic advertising these companies do. Who'd blame me! We all do it.
I was feeling really rubbish and sluggish one day, and decided THAT'S IT I need to make a change. It was the best decision of my life! I was just on Facebook and randomly found a girl who said she was a personal trainer. I thought oooh maybe this could work. I was nervous but met up with her at Costa coffee, and we spoke about my lifestyle, what my goals were. People thought it was a bit extreme. But I knew I needed to do it for me. A couple of months later, she has now become one of my best friends! She has shown me how to be positive, exercise and eat CLEAN. I could barely run 10 minutes on a treadmill. Now look at this..
I am so proud of those pictures. I even ran a 5k for Cancer Research UK. I know I have a long way to go, but I am closer than I was. Since then, I have discovered a whole new healthy lifestyle I never thought I could have. It's not advertised on the TV, at the cinema, or in fashion magazines. Celebrities aren't paid millions of pounds to say they use it. Because it is just fruit and vegetables! The company is called Juice Plus. I have added the products I use into my favourites for this month:
I am skeptical of everything. I am a worrier. I am a doubter. But I am 100% in love with these products. The capsules are amazing! They are the most scientifically researched nutritional supplement on the market! They are the essence of 26 fruits, vegetables and berries in a capsule! You take them first thing in the morning with water, and they have so many benefits even the worlds top athletes take them. They are proven to give you better hydration, a reduction in cravings, increased energy, faster metabolism, better skin, quicker hair and nail growth and improved sleeping patterns. I can safely say I am feeling all these benefits and I am so much happier. They are also high in antioxidants so you are cleansing your liver, aiding fat loss and genuinely improving your overall health. The list goes on, but I thought I best tell you - I felt sneaky keeping this to myself as a blogger! But I will tell you the best part about it - YOU EAT REAL FOOD! You get so many recipes, support and guidance on these plans. I am eating like a queen. Yum.
I also have the shakes. They are natural plant protein. They were first made for athletes as a pre and post workout shake. They can be used for fat loss, snacks, muscle gain or a meal replacement and are really convenient to use at breakfast time. They are said to be the best protein on the market, giving you 100% natural results.
And that's my story. Thank you for reading this blog - it's really personal to me but I just wanted to shout out about my success. I have lost visible inches over the months, and I have lost half a stone already! 1 stone and a half overall. I am genuinely much happier, and if you would like to know some more information - please message me on Facebook (link below) I love the products so much, I have now invested in the company, as I want to help other girls like me, that just need that guidance and support, and a little helping hand.
XOXO - Hannah
PS- We still drink champagne!
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